The Bols Hotel Rooms

By Rob Last edited 235 months ago

Last Updated 28 October 2004

The Bols Hotel Rooms

Question: What connects the ageing, scouse doyen of light entertainment, Cilla Black, with the people behind Bols Blue, arguably one of the most evil spirits ever concocted?

cocktail.jpgAnswer: The Great Eastern Hotel.

From this week, the Bols marketing team has enlisted the help of London based arts collective Warm Rain to transform a number of rooms at the Great Eastern into surreal spaces intended to define the character of their liquers.

What? Isn’t a mini bar good enough for these people any more?

So where does Cilla Black come into this? Well the room designed to “reflect the flavour” of Bols Coffee is called the Black Room, and the TV is permanently tuned to Channel Cilla!

And if you think that sounds bad don’t even go near the Crème de Cassis room with it’s flickering UV lights; or the Blue Room with its looping sounds of a copulating couple.

Of course there is an upside to all this: there’ll be lots of alcohol around. So if you fancy throwing yourself into a weird, inebriated version of Kubrick’s The Shining, get down to the Great Eastern this weekend.

The Rooms can be viewed at the Great Eastern from 29th to 31st October between 11am and 9pm.