Won't Someone Think Of The Bats?

By Rob Last edited 231 months ago

Last Updated 28 February 2005

Won't Someone Think Of The Bats?

How do you think bats have sex? In the dark we presume, with their little, inbuilt sonar going like the clappers.

However, if said bats reside in Highgate Wood then they're unlikely to be getting any hot, nocturnal action thanks to the proposed construction of a new "Highgate Tube control centre".

Ray Poole, headkeeper of the woods, is quoted in the local papers as saying "A number of rare bat species have been found in Highgate Wood, but we will lose an important breeding roost if it's disturbed; wildlife does not like disturbance."

The problem is that Tube Lines will be doing some of their building work in the evenings between July and September, just when the bats start to get frisky and start breeding.

For their part Tube Lines have said that a 3ft "mound and sound-proof fence" will surround the new building and they're considering a 'green roof' (although we don't know what that entails).

For more London bat info you can go to the London Bat Group homepage.

And in other Highgate-based, controversial architectural news: support is growing for a Teletubbies-style underground house on the grounds of the old Southwood Hospital site. We'll let you read that one for yourselves.