The Huggled Masses

By sizemore Last edited 217 months ago

Last Updated 27 April 2006

The Huggled Masses

London is going to get squeezed yet again:

In a bid to reverse the trend of people randomly terrorising the world, teams of huggers are preparing to hit the streets of London, Birmingham and Brighton to provide random hugs. The third annual Random Huggers Day will take place on Sunday 7 May, 2006 and willing individuals will be able to receive free hugs from teams of people based at locations across the city centres. The founder, Mayella Reynolds, said: “Giving people a hug is very special. It is a simple way of expressing love, care and friendship and provides a refreshing change in today’s climate of fear. Our intention is to spread some warmth, love and fun, and all the wonderful energy that is in a hug. She added: “Although some people are reticent to be hugged at first, they soon get used to the idea, they relax and can fully appreciate the value of having a great hug.” Random Huggers Day was launched in 2004 in Covent Garden and received a great reaction from the public. Since the event began, in excess of 12,000 hugs have been shared...

Well it's got to make a change to the random exploding, stabbing, kicking and macheting that we hear so much about.

More details to be had up on Random Huggers dot com including the chance to register yourself as a hugger...