Betty's Back

By Rob Last edited 214 months ago

Last Updated 28 July 2006

Betty's Back

For all the Londonist readers who've been hanging out for news of Betty the squirrel monkey, the good news is she's back.

Yes, after 12 hours roaming of roaming the treetops in Regent's Park, Betty "voluntarily returned to her enclosure when it got dark, at around 10pm to eat food, including her favourite mealworms, that had been left for her."

If you've ever gone to the pub after work, stayed longer than you intended, discovered they weren't serving food and gone home to a Pot Noodle, then you'll sympathise.

According to London Zoo's staff ""The public will be able to see Betty back with the rest of the monkeys when it re-opens tomorrow," while rumours that the monkeys have begun their own version of Big Brother, and that Betty was actually 'evicted' from the monkey enclosure at the behest of all the other monkey 'housemates' have not yet been confirmed.