Anti Terror Hoodys

By sizemore Last edited 212 months ago

Last Updated 28 September 2006

Anti Terror Hoodys

The Telegraph reckons that paramedics are to be issued with special gas masks to protect them against deadly chemicals or nuclear radiation in the event of a terrorist attack. Sounds pretty scary, huh?

Thousands of police in London and other high-risk areas are also expected to be given the new EH20 escape hood that will allow them 20 minutes of protection to get away from a contaminated area. It has been decided that all NHS paramedics in England will now have some protection against chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) attack after a deal was concluded with the makers Avon Protection yesterday. The small and compact "one size fits all" hoods can be donned within 30 seconds over beards, long hair and glasses giving protection that was not previously available to those who are first on the scene of a terrorist attack.

We figured we'd nip over to Random Acts of Reality to see what Tom's take on all this was. We were pleasantly surprised to find him writing about his favourite computer games and what to do when confronted by a possessed patient. Come to think of it we're way more scared of the things we bump into on Second Life than nuclear attacks too.

Can't be too long though until The Standard starts giving away pocket gas masks...