Londonist Stays In

By london_alice Last edited 194 months ago

Last Updated 31 March 2008

Londonist Stays In

April already? How did that happen? We feel the best way to avoid getting April Fooled is to stay in and watch some TV. Here are a few things you may want to take a peek at!

On TV, Londonist likes:

Monday, 31 March

Poppy Shakespeare (Channel 4, 21:00-22:45) We really enjoyed the book, and are looking forward to the screen version of this quirky drama about the NHS and mental health care in the UK. Naomie Harris plays Poppy, a perfectly normal woman who is diagnosed with mental health problems all of the sudden and sent to a psychiatric day centre. Anna Maxwell Martin plays N, a lifetime patient who fears being discharged from the centre. They strike up an unusual friendship, which ultimately has just as much to say about family and friendship as it does about the state of the NHS today.

Tuesday, 1 April

Sliding Doors (Sky One, 23:55-01:55) Although we’re very tired of Gwyneth Paltrow looking miserable and grumpy on red carpets, we have to admit a fondness for this film. We often wonder how our lives would change if we were on time to work, so the idea of catching or missing a tube train being a life defining moment is an intriguing thought. Gwynnie’s Brit accent is actually very good and we find John Hannah cute as a button, so what’s not to like?

Thursday, 3 April

Identity Fraud: Outnumbered (BBC1, 21:00-22:00) Prepared to be severely freaked out about how easy it is to get targeted by identity fraudsters. The London Economic Crime Unit takes on identity thieves, and we get to see the stories of a man falsely branded as a paedophile and a man wrongly jailed abroad after criminals used his details to commit crimes abroad. This is sure to make you take a close look at your credit card and bank statements, which is probably the idea.

Too Much Too Young (Sky One, 21:00-22:00) Shocker! Too much fame at a young age can really screw a person up. But don’t we all love hearing about it? Britney Spears and Londonist train wreck fave Amy Winehouse are featured along with a load of other young stars.

Saturday, 5 April

Doctor Who (BBC1, 18:20-19:10) The Doctor’s back, with Catherine Tate by his side. We know all you Doctor Who-ites won’t want to miss this. We just wonder if Catherine Tate will make the show more or less funny.

Sunday, 6 April

Casualty 1907 (BBC1, 21:00-22:00) A drama that uses actual case notes from 1907 to bring the Royal London Hospital back to life – add in a splash of Casualty-style drama and you’ve got us hooked. We’re sure the drama will be just as intense, but with a delightful period twist. That’s enough to make us take a look.