Confusing T5 Design Causes Immigration Free-for-All

By KizzieFK Last edited 192 months ago

Last Updated 12 May 2008

Confusing T5 Design Causes Immigration Free-for-All

Of all the problems Heathrow's colicky baby T5 has been having in its first few months, we've mostly heard about masses of lost baggage and inconveniently cancelled flights. But now there's a whole new reason to be alarmed, or at least freshly disappointed, at the terminal's inefficiency — security errors due to the the Fiver's confusing layout have allowed international travelers into the UK without any immigration or customs control by sending them to domestic arrivals.

BA is keeping tight-lipped on how many passengers got to bypass those pesky, snaking passport-check lines, but a spokesperson said:

When Terminal 5 initially opened there were a very small number of incidents where passengers from international flights were bussed to the wrong zones.

We are confident that this matter has been addressed and new processes have been put in place."

Hmm... we certainly can't say this has given us any more confidence in the carrier or this bad-luck building.

Photo courtesy of Diamond Geezer's Flickrstream.