Londonist Behind The Lens: Stpiduko

By Lindsey Last edited 192 months ago

Last Updated 31 May 2008

Londonist Behind The Lens: Stpiduko

A series celebrating the talent of our friends over in the Londonist Flickr pool who make our site look pretty with their fabulous photographs. Here, they introduce themselves and share their favourite London shots.


Since I picked up a camera, I have always thought photography was easy. Everything is in front of you and all that needs to happen is that you press the shutter release button.

London is busy and it's easier to run along with everyone rather than stepping aside (pausing?) to see what's really going on. The three images I've chosen here were taken while waiting for friends to arrive. I hate waiting, so if I have to, I'll take my camera out and see if there is anything worth shooting.


I shoot only during the weekends and when I leave the house, I'm never too sure what I want to capture. It's very mood dependant. People if I feel like interacting and trees if I'd rather be left alone.

Since taking up photography, I've gone through various phases. From catchy colours to asking random people on the street, and then to urban trees. More recently, I'm interested in photographing people in their own homes. It has been a huge learning curve for me. Catchy colors can only hold your attention for so long, but people will always be interesting. Photographing people in their home environment you get a more complete picture.


What is important to me, is that I enjoy taking the picture. The fact that others look at them is an added bonus.

To find out more and see more photos visit

If you're a Flickrist don't forget to join our group and tag your quirky London photos "Londonist".