The Book Grocer

By Julie PH Last edited 182 months ago

Last Updated 10 March 2009

The Book Grocer

Image courtesy of Annie Mole under the Creative Commons license
In the next seven days: six Czech poets, five Yeats devotees, four more poets (but of eight minds), three ace events from the London Word Festival crew, two Shakespeare-inspired outings, and one under-the-radar reading from a literary London heavyweight.

Wednesday: Timely event, this: Whilst archaeologists puzzle over the (likeness of) Shakespeare in Shoreditch (pottery), the London Word Festival brings us its own variation: its Shakespeare in Shoreditch has Joe Dunthorne, Siddharta Bose and Lee Rourke reimagining King Lear, Othello and Hamlet as transplanted to the modern East End, to the accompaniment of projected drawings by Mustashrik, illustrator of the Manga Julius Caesar (8pm, £6).

Thursday: A bit of false advertising, that: Six Czech Poets is the title of a new anthology, not the number of poets actually performing at Foyles this evening (7pm, free). Fair enough, we'll settle for half that number: Viola Fisherova, Pavel Kolmacka and Petr Halmay, along with anthology editor Alexandra Buchler, will be reading from their work and discussing the state of poetry in the present-day Czech Republic.

Also on: The London Word Festival's Wave Machines and Nathan Jones at Bardens Boudoir (8pm, £7.50). Head here for the chance to win tickets to the event.

Eagle-eye spot of the week: He's sold out in advance every other event we've spotted thus far, but according to his publisher, Iain Sinclair will be discussing Hackney, That Rose-Red Empire at Stoke Newington Bookshop tonight (7pm, free; but since we've seen this listing nowhere else, we'd suggest giving the bookstore a ring ahead of time to be sure that this info is still accurate: 020 7249 2808).

Friday: Sweet music to our ears: Classical and modern poetry readings in Persian and English, to the accompaniment of classical Persian instruments, at the British Museum (6.30pm, £5).

Saturday: Respect: as in there's a great heaping amount of it out there for the life and literary legacy of poet Michael Donaghy. The Southbank Centre brings together poets Paul Farley, Jo Shapcott and co-editor Adam O’Riordan to pay tribute to this legacy and to mark the publication of The Shape of the Dance, Donaghy's collected essays and criticism, in an event of the same name (4pm, £10).

Monday: Words on Monday and Poet in the City pose the provocative question of the relationship between mental illness and poetic output - or if, as poet Roddy Lumsden has said, "a poet confessing to mental illness is like a weight-lifter admitting to muscles," is the question not provocative at all and the relationship assumed? Poets Simon Barraclough, Suzanne Batty, David Constantine and Sarah Wardle explore the issue in The Divided Self at Kings Place (7pm, £9.50).

Also on: An evening of WB Yeats: Polly Devlin, Fergal Keane, John Walsh, Bernard O'Donoghue and Maurice Riordan celebrate St Patrick's Eve by paying tribute to Ireland's preeminent poet at the Troubadour (7.30pm, £6.50).

Tuesday: Snogging, meet the Academy: in You Kiss by the Book, at Shakespeare's Globe (7pm, £10), Dr Helen Berry explores the rules of kissing in Elizabethan England whilst Dr Lucy Munro considers audience perceptions of on-stage snogging.

Also on: The London Word Festival presents The Eternal Children and Low: You May Need a Murderer at Café Oto (7pm, £6.50).

Know of an event that belongs in the Book Grocer listings? Please e-mail us at londonist-at-gmail-dot-com.