Preview: RVT/GMFA Sports Day in Vauxhall

By Nicolas Chinardet Last edited 177 months ago

Last Updated 29 August 2009

Preview: RVT/GMFA Sports Day in Vauxhall

courtesy GMFA
To make the decision of what to do during the Bank Holiday even more complicated than it already is, we are throwing another option in the already rich mix.

On Monday 31st, should you fancy a bit of sporty fun in aid of a few good causes after the festive exertions of the week-end, the Royal Vauxhall Tavern and GMFA (the gay men's health charity) are organising their third Sports Day.

Events last year included egg and spoon, and sack races, alongside more specialist "sports", such as the drag relay, handbag throwing or the 50m mince. Registrations to take part are closed but you can still go there to support teams with names as exotic as the Fantastic Fairies, the Trashbags, The Mighty Metamorphic Zebras (the team that raised the most money overall last year - nearly £1,000) or (last year's winners) the Sodomites. You could also simply point and laugh. In a caring and sharing way, of course!

Over £4000 were raised in 2008 and shared between GMFA, the Vauxhall City Farm and the Friends of Spring Gardens. They are, of course, break the record this year.

The Sports Day is taking place in Spring Gardens (behind the Royal Vauxhall Tavern) between 1pm and 6pm.