Yuletide Blog

By M@ Last edited 209 months ago

Last Updated 21 December 2006

Yuletide Blog

Well, that mostly wraps things up for Londonist in '06. From Friday until something like the 3rd January, we'll be on our seasonal hols, relaxing, drinking lots of whisky and not thinking about the quirks of London life in any way. Whatsoever.

Oh, who are we trying to kid? We never actually sleep here at Londonist, which is kind of how we manage to run the whole thing whilst juggling our day jobs. It's all down to a strategic pact with the devil, which seems to be working so far. No, we'll still be posting a varied assortment of seasonal trivia, and any big news stories. But nothing like the usual unceasing stream of nonsense. There'll be plenty of that on TV to keep us all going.

So, have a blessed, lustrous Christmas, raise a toast to the christchild if you must, and see you in 2007.

The Londonist team