Help Write The 24 Hour Book

By Lindsey Last edited 176 months ago

Last Updated 30 September 2009

Help Write The 24 Hour Book

onetreehillallotments.jpg The Showtime Challenge literary equivalent has just crossed our radar in the shape of the South London 24hr Book Project. Rather than putting together a West End show in 48 hours, this weekend a book will be collaboratively written in the space of a day - Saturday - then edited, published and available to print on demand by 6pm Monday. You are invited to help the writers out with their London gardening story and follow their frenetic adventure in real time.

Here's the lowdown: The 24hr book will be based around a group of city centre allotments and the story will explore ideas of shared and private space and the real and imaginary barriers between a range of different city characters.

And they need ideas of what to write about. You can join their 'open allotment' and be ready to suggest things on Saturday from 10am. They also want inspiration from images and video and are on the lookout for potential illustrations for the book. You need to join their ning group to submit these. Finally, they want followers on Twitter so they've got jolly company for the whirlwind wordy ride and a pool of people to call on if they get stuck. Perhaps it'll get you in the mood for November's NanoWriMo?

Find out more and join in here.

Image of One Tree Hill allotments by ultraBobban via the Londonist Flickrpool